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AP/Dual Credit Information

Advanced Placement Information


The following AP courses are available through Fargo Virtual Academy.  Students complete these courses under the direction of VA teachers, using the online Edgenuity platform.  The cost of each AP exam is the responsibility of the student/family.  However, the ND Dept of Public Instruction does offer reimbursement to cover partial costs related to exams in math, science, and English courses.

  • AP Biology
  • AP Calculus AB
  • AP English Language & Composition
  • AP English Literature & Composition
  • AP Environmental Science 
  • AP Human Geography
  • AP Psychology
  • AP Statistics
  • AP US Government & Politics 
  • AP US History
  • AP World History
  • Precalculus

Registering for your 2024-2025 AP Courses

FPS Virtual Academy encourages all students to take AP exams for the AP classes that they have taken. Scoring well on an AP exam can often earn students college credit for their high school class, saving a significant amount on tuition.

For the 2025 AP exams, students at FPS Virtual Academy will be registering online. Online Exam registration is now open.  It is to your advantage to join your course through your CollegeBoard account as soon as possible so that you have access to resources that are available to you. 

Information on paying for the exam will be sent later and for those students taking a yearlong class, the deadline for paying for the exam will be in early November.  Only exams paid for by the deadline will be ordered.  Both steps must be completed in order to have AP exams ordered:

Step 1:  Register for the class and exam. Complete this step right away.  You will need to join your AP course using the join code provided by your teacher for the appropriate class. You can join all AP courses you plan to take this year at the same time to avoid having to do this on multiple occasions. This is done at . You will login with your existing CollegeBoard student account (if you have previously taken AP, PSAT, or SAT exams) or you will create a new College Board student account. If you have previously taken exams, use the same account and do NOT create a new account to assure that your exam scores are linked each year.

Step 2: Pay for your exam.  This step must be completed for any class a student is enrolled in during first semester/full-year classes by November 7 to assure that a test is ordered.  Each test will be $105. Students who receive free or reduced lunch are eligible for testing at a reduced price of $60.00 per test.  The ND Department of Public Instruction has provided some additional incentives/fee reductions for exams in STEM areas in the past years. If you/your student qualifies for any of these reductions, you will be reimbursed for this part of the exam fees after the exam is taken.  Students registering for AP tests after the deadline will be assessed a $40 late fee.  Students who sign up to test and do not test are charged a $40 cancellation fee. 

Begin the process by registering at Here you will indicate both the AP courses you are taking this year and the exams you wish to take. Any exam fees will be paid online so   sure to have a debit card or credit card available before beginning registration. Paying online is a great way to make sure that payment has been made while avoiding mailing payment.

The Virtual Academy desires that every student be able to take their AP exams. Students requiring financial assistance should contact Mrs. Karen Moore,, in the District Office to learn more.



Dual Credit Information


Fargo Virtual Academy works with the North Dakota State College of Science to provide dual credit opportunities for students.  These courses are offered asynchronously and are taught by NDSCS instructors, with the exception of pre-calc which can be taken with our FPS instructor through Edgenuity.  Students must register for any dual credit course at the start of the semester.  Costs associated with dual credit courses are the responsibility of the student/family and are paid directly to NDSCS.  There are opportunities for fee reductions through the NDSCS Foundation and students on free/reduced lunch status are eligible to take one yearlong or two semester classes at no cost each year through a tuition assistance program under the Bank of North Dakota.  Below is a list of classes offered semester 2. 

Spring 2025

Course # Subject Course Name College Credits Instructor
38919 ACCT 201 Elements of Accounting II 4 Schreiber
38922 BIOL 220 Anatomy & Physiology I 3 Armour
38923 BIOL 220L Anatomy & Physiology I Lab 1 Weber
38924 BIOL 221 Anatomy & Physiology II 3 Brejcha
38927 BIOL 221L Anatomy & Physiology II Lab 1 Weber


BOTE 108 Business Mathematics


38929 BOTE 171 Medical Terminology 4 Weber
38931 CIS 101 Computer Literacy  *2 credits required for certain NDSCS programs.  See course catalog. 2 Hackey
38933 CIS 180 HTML and CSS 3 Schillinger
38934 CJ 201 Intro to Criminal Justice 3 Wolf
38935 COMM 110 Fundamentals of Public Speaking 3 Woods
38937 COMM 110 Fundamentals of Public Speaking 3 Gunnerson
38939 COMM 212 Interpersonal Communication 3 Anderson
38940 CSCI 101 Software Apps and Digital Literacy 3 Schillinger


ECON 105 Elements of Economics


38944 ECON 202 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 Partapurwala
38946 ENGL 110 College Composition I 3 King
38948 ENGL 120 College Composition II 3 Lill
38950 ENGL 211 Introduction to Creative Writing 3 Bakkum
38951 ENGL 238 Children's Literature 3 Lill
38953 HIST 103 US History to 1877 3 Wesolick
38955 HPER 100 Concepts of Fitness & Wellness 3 Passa


HPER 217 Personal & Community Health




MATH 103 College Algebra




MATH 107 Pre-Calculus




MATH 210 Elementary Statistics


39321 NUTR 240 Principles of Nutrition (& Diet Therapy) 3 C. Smith
38960 PHIL 215 Contemporary Moral Issues 3 Arandia


POLS 115 American Government


38962 PSYC 111 Introduction or Psychology 3 Gulbro
38963 PSYC 250 Developmental Psychology 3 Gulbro


PSYC 270 Abnormal Psychology (prerequisite of 3 PSYC credits)


38965 SOC 110 Introduction to Sociology 3 Wolf


SOC 115 Social Problems 3 Hunter
1st 8 wk course        


BADM 202 Principles of Management


G Anderson
2nd 8 wk course    




BUSN 170 Entrepreneurship


G Anderson

* When enrolling in a lab science class, you must enroll in the lecture AND lab.

* Additional courses are available for thos students interested in the education field through VCSU.  Please contact your counselor for more information.